Sunday, February 18, 2007

Little House

For a while now we've been adding to my daughter's DVD collection of "The Little House on the Prairie" T.V. series. She has nearly all of the seasons now and absolutely loves them, which makes us very happy. It's practically all she watches and we are thrilled that she is so attracted to a show that is so wholesome, especially after having been exposed to some of today's shows.

It's a show that I grew up with and I can remember watching it religiously every week, not missing any episodes if I could help it. Some good memories there.

After having watched several episodes together with our daughter, I had almost forgotten (Admittedly when I sat down to watch the series for the first time in many years, I was anticipating that it might be a bit slow for me. But after several minutes had gone by, I was in love with it all over again and realized its appeal is timeless -- good writing, acting, and morals to the stories.) how good the series actually was. It had a superb cast of actors who, in my opinion, were top notch. One that stands out in my mind is the actress who plays Mrs. Olsen. She plays the part so naturally that it's hard for me to imagine it's only acting, the same goes for her character's daughter, Nellie.

And of course Michael Landon (Charles Ingalls in the series) was a great actor too, without whose contribution (including director) the series just wouldn't have been the same.

If you've got children and have been wondering about what to get them, why not try the "Little House on the Prairie" DVD series? I don't think you'll be disappointed.

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