Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The wipeout!

My daughter and one of her little friends took a hit from some boys who weren't looking where they were going on the slope this past Saturday. It put her little friend out of commission for a while and we all thought she might be hurt seriously because she's not very big. But after some tender-loving care from her father, it wasn't long before she bounced back and was off sledding with my daughter again.

It only bruised my daughter a bit. And even though it was only an accident, (the boys apologized all over themselves) it looked for a moment like my daughter wanted to give them "what for". :)

Click here for the video clip.


Saur♥Kraut said...

OW. I, personally, hate the cold, hate ice, hate snow, and hate any sports that go with them. But that's just me! ;o)

Bryan said...

But of course. That's why you live in sunny Florida. :)