Friday, December 15, 2006

The holiday has a name: Christmas!!

When I viewed my email "Inbox" today I noticed AT&T had sent me a holiday greeting. But I also noticed how conspicuously absent the word "Christmas" was in the greeting:

The holidays are a great time of year to spend with loved ones and celebrate special relationships with family and friends. During this season of togetherness, we would like to thank you for choosing to be a part of our family.

We look forward to continuing our relationship with you throughout the coming year. To show our appreciation for your business, we've created a unique site that allows you to customize and download a holiday desktop, send a custom e-card or build your own interactive holiday character to share with others.

AT&T Greetings.

My reply:

Thanks, but I'm wondering why you refuse to call it a "Christmas Greeting"? And actually it's a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ , not family relationships, though they are important.

I don't believe in political correctness. And if the reason you called it a "Holiday Greeting" rather than a "Christmas Greeting" is because you're afraid you might offend someone, then what about we Christians? By not calling it Christmas - which is what it actually is - you have offended me, and I know I'm not alone in this.


P.S. I hope you have a Merry Christmas.

Enough is enough! I am getting so weary of this worldy anti-Christmas bias!


Bryan said...

Well written, Wildfire. Well written. And thanks to you too for stopping by Yours Truly.

Anonymous said...

Good for YOU! I agree one million percent. You know what's funny. I am looking at your blog and just got an email that you just now commented on mine, kinda fun timing!