Sunday, December 24, 2006

That's one big T.V.

Our new Christmas gift is a Samsung 56 inch DLP High Def T.V. My wife decided she wanted to buy us one for Christmas with her bonus money.

As I've written previously on my blog, I'm not a huge T.V. fan, but this adds a whole new dimension. The size of the picture, its color, brightness and clarity are truly amazing. So I guess I'll just have to endure it. :)

We haven't had cable T.V. service or satellite for some time now, so we've only been watching DVD's.

DVD's watched on the big screen so far:

1. Godzilla (I just had to see the big guy on a big screen T.V.)
2. National Treasure
3. Mr. and Mrs. Smith
4. Invincible
5. Kingdom of Heaven
6. It's a Wonderful Life (one of my favorites)

This isn't what Christmas is all about by any stretch, but we'll take a blessing when it comes along.


Anonymous said...

What a sweetheart your wife is to use her bonus for something the whole family can enjoy for a long time. I am like you - not much of a TV fan, but MOVIES ON DVD - now we're talking!

I am a tad envious! I bet its even better than going to the theater!

Merry Christmas Byran, to you, your lovely wife and beautiful daughter!

Bryan said...

Thanks, Barbara. And a very Merry Christmas to you and your family, too!

Yes it is almost like being in the theater. It's quite an experience. :)

Saur♥Kraut said...

Merry Chrismas, my friend!

Bryan said...

Saur: Thanks. I hope you and yours had a Merry Christmas!

And I wish you a Happy New Year too, my friend!