Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The ipod experience

We bought our daughter an ipod for Christmas, the "Nano" model.

Being totally new to the ipod experience, I had some difficulty trying to download songs for her. My guess is it was because it was Christmas morning and all those people who got brand new ipods were doing the same thing -- downloading songs from itunes, which slowed things down a great deal.


Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, we were able to download some songs for her. But then we noticed that it not only downloaded songs from itunes, but it also automatically downloaded every single MP3 and WMA from my own collection.

Double ugh!

We then looked through the instructions that came with the ipod on how to delete songs. There weren't any.

Triple ugh!

I finally had to go to the web for instructions on how to delete songs from an ipod, which I successfully did.

Trouble aside, it's a neat little gadget. I've spent just as much time playing with it as my daughter has. The sound quality coming from those little headphones is amazing! and it's so mobile. Technology marches on.


Today I'm going to pay a visit to the eye doctor. It's time for some new glasses, or I should say some new lenses because I still like my frames and plan on keeping them a while longer. This time though I'm going to have to ask for bi-focals, because when I read I usually take my glasses off to see more clearly (I'm nearsighted), which is becoming a pain.

Yes, the dreaded sign that I'm getting older: bifocals. :(


Anonymous said...

Bryan, there are some tricky things about downloading...I know what happened but don't know how to explain it. IF you can't figure it out email me and i will do my best to help you.

You'll both LOVE it once you have it up and running!!!

Bryan said...

Thank you kindly Barbara for the offer to help. I thought I remembered that you were an ipod user from having read one of your posts. I'm sure we'll figure it all out and things will go much smoother when we do. I'll give you a holler though if I have questions I can't find answers to.

Oh yes, we both love it already. :)

Bryan said...

Trifocals. Ugh. Can't wait. :)

Bryan said...

Thanks, Susie. That makes sense.