Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Situation

The company my wife works for had to fire a guy last week who had many years of service with the company. I'm not sure of all the details but apparently he was given a bad review (well deserved, I'm told), after which he threatened to bring in his Uzi and "take care of everybody". Needless to say the police escorted him out.

From what my wife told me, the guy's life has been spiraling out of control for quite some time now and he started blaming it on others, including the company he worked for. Gambling, overspending, and losing his house were just a few of his problems. Apparently his wife has similar vices.

When my wife told me this last night, I understandably become concerned for her safety. And even though the guy who got fired was on good terms with my wife, I told her that it might be a good idea to start packing a pistol in her purse just in case. After all, this is the kind of story that makes the headlines all the time.

I asked my wife what her company's firearm policy is. She told me they're not allowed. I could have guessed that one; it's so typical. This is the kind of situation that gives guys like this a potential killing field; and would-be mass murderers know this, which is why companies are targeted more frequently.

Anyway, we prayed and I'm believing God for her protection. However, I still believe one has the God-given right of self-defense, and not only that, but a responsibility to do so. And that responsibility should not be hindered by any company policy barring firearms. If more law-abiding folks carried guns, there would be fewer scenarios like what we read about in the papers.


Anonymous said...

AMEN BRYAN! You preach it! Living here in CA you can imagine the grief I get for being pro-2nd Amendment. I am looked at like a violence loving freak or something.

I feel bad for your wife and her co-workers to have to wonder about this guy. I think they need to hire an armed guard to make sure he doesn't follow through!

Bryan said...

Yeah, I've heard about how gun owners are slammed in California. Too bad.

An armed guard on site really wouldn't be a bad idea for a while, you're right.

Bryan said...

Thanks, Wildfire.