Tuesday, November 21, 2006

So you want to be a millionaire?

The pool in the backyard of this palatial home is where we went swimming this past summer. A family member works for the gentleman who owns the home. The home is 30,0000 square feet in size, with all kinds of amenities and expensive pieces of furniture, as you might expect. One heavy, old and well-built piece of furniture caught my attention in particular in one of the rooms in the home. It kind of looked like an armoire of some sort. I asked about the piece. My brother-in-law told me it was from Ireland, and when he gave me a dollar amount of its value, I realized it was more expensive than my whole house. Unbelievable!

The gentlemen's Civil War artifact collection is substantial as well, and includes the original "Missionary Ridge" battle flag of the Confederate Army. Impressive to say the least! And as I was casually mulling about the living room in the home, I picked up what looked to me to be a diary of some sort. When I enquired of my brother-in-law as to what it was, he replied that it was Jefferson Davis' diary. I gasped in disbelief and quickly and carefully put it back where I found it, not wanting to wrinkle any page or leave any trace that I had picked it up! What a piece of history! I asked him what it was valued at? He told me that it was valued at a quarter of a million dollars.

Whew! Glad I wasn't clumsy that day.

I snapped this picture (bottom of the page) of an old Jeep while at the mansion. I asked my brother-in-law who's it was. He told me that it was Allen Jackson's old Jeep, the Jeep he sings about in one of his songs. Apparently the gentleman of the house had purchased it from Jackson at a charity benefit a while back. I guess when you've got the bucks you get the chance to rub shoulders with all kinds of famous people.

Excuse me now while I go back to typing on my computer desk purchased at Wal-Mart. :)

Me, my brother-in-law and his frined sitting around the table at the pool.
The "Missionary Ridge" battle flag.


Saur♥Kraut said...

Very nice! The funny thing is that we posted similar things within the same time frame... ;o)

Bryan said...

Yes, I just read your post and it rang true in many ways with regard to a lot of wealthy people, and I'm glad you don't have to put up with those kind of bosses you describe anymore.

Fortunately though for my brother-in-law, his boss does treat him and his family very well, even going so far as to pay for a very expensive private school for both of his kids. Plus he gets a lot of his boss's leftovers after he and his family are through with them - things like high-dollar electronics, clothes, or whatever. I guess when you can afford the latest and greatest, as soon as something new comes out, if you're a giving person like he is, you just give it away.