Saturday, November 04, 2006

The 70's

These guys sure bring back some good musical memories from the seventies. America.

For those of you who missed the 70's, it was a great decade to grow up in. We had some great T.V programs too: The Partridge Family, The Walton's, The Brady Bunch, The Flip Wilson Show, Gunsmoke, Hawaii Five O, Bonanza, ABC Movie of the Week, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, NBC Sunday Mystery Movie, The Six Million Dollar Man, Mork and Mindy, and many more.

And I can remember when you could actually watch a Heavyweight Boxing Match for free, before for-pay programming was ever even heard of. And in this neck of the woods, (Tulsa area) there were only three channels to watch: 2, 6 and 8. We had no VCR's to record our favorite programs with; no T.V remotes with which to change channels and adjust the volume, those functions were all done manually by getting our rumps up and going over to actually touch the T.V. To you youngsters out there, that must sound absolutely barbaric!

And our television sets looked something like this. When the tuner would start to wear out, you had to go over and try and adjust the set to get it to hold the channel you were watching. Also the vertical hold would have to be adjusted from time to time to keep the picture from endlessly rolling. Remember those days, Baby Boomers?

But to us they were the best of times, and I wouldn't have traded them for any other decade to grow up in. :)

Susan Dey


Anonymous said...

BRYAN!!! I LOVE THIS POST! I am linking here today. This is too classic not to share! America, Flip Wilson, Johnny C - it doesn't get much better than that!

I still have a HUGE crush on David Cassidy :)

Bryan said...

I thought it might bring back some fond memories to those who lived through the 70's. Glad you enjoyed it, Barb.

Susan Dey was the one I had the crush on! Shirley Jones wasn't bad either.

Anonymous said...

I wanted to BE Susan Dey!!!!!