Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Stop Alien Abductions

Thought Screen Helmets. Pick up yours today!!

But wait! There's more. If you call within the next ten minutes you will also receive your very own cosmic ray gun blaster at the unbelievably low price of $19.99. Call now because supplies are limited!

Note: While I do believe there is legitimacy to the UFO phenomenon and that they will factor in heavily with the end time deception written about in Scripture, which I'm not making light of, I find the helmet angle to be quite comical. :)


Anonymous said...

The thought screen helmet is a real device. It really works. Alien abductions are real. The case histories and testimonials on stopabductions.com are authentic, so are the children's drawings on aliensandchildren.org.

There's nothing funny about the helmet or alien abductions. Aliens are telepathic. The unique properties of velostat stop their communication. It's for real and it's not funny.

I suggest you read The Threat by David Jacobs, that is a good book on alien abductions.

Bryan said...

Michael, as I already wrote, I believe the Alien Abduction phenomena to be real myself. However, I believe that aliens are in fact spiritual beings (demons) masquerading as ETs' to deceive mankind into believing a lie; and as such, a helmet is not going to protect a person from demonic invasion. Only the name of Jesus and faith in Him can ward these creatures off.

Here are some links I'd like you to take a look at:



The producer of this site, Tom Horn, has himself had personal experience with alien beings in his childhood. I'm not sure where it is on the site now, but he gave an interview about it and it's in .MP3 format.

I do hope that you'll forgive my poor wording in my original post. I know these encounters can be quite traumatizing and I meant no disrespect for those who have suffered from such encounters.

Anonymous said...

Aliens are not spiritual beings. If they were, the thought screen helmet would not work.

Velostat has impedance which gives it special scrambling capabilities for dealing with alien telepathy.

We are dealing with real aliens from space. If you were abducted as a child, you are still being abducted now.

Only the helmets work.

See aliensandchildren.org

Bryan said...


Demons/fallen angels are known as deceivers, and they are very intelligent. Of course they will want you to believe that a mere helmet could stop them from invading your thoughts, and that they are E.T's. and not demons. This would clearly be to their advantage.

Anonymous said...

Michael is right, but the scientific is at the infant stages yet for understanding it, if the Velostat stops an abduction, then that is a major feat to prevent that person or persons being taken.

I think that is a pretty good claim for nine years amoungst abductees, is very good indeed.

Anonymous said...

This site seems to be for fun, but there may be some serious business in these abduction stories:

Well, many of these encounters may be real, but not performed by aliens, but memories of projects where govermental units use people, and especially childre, for different kind of hidden peurposes.

Some of the abduction stories may also be memories, and especially childhood memories, from medical ordeals done to people under anesthesia and not told about in detail before and afterwords.

Afterwords the memories are transfered to alien abduction memories because this is a par of the common culture.

And the ufo that beems the abductee up, is simply a lamp as found in many OR rooms or endisopic laboratories.

Anonymous said...

The greys and greens are insectoids. Treat them like cockroaches. The best way to kill cockroaches is to use borax (in america, you can buy a box of it in the laundry soap part of grocery stores for about $2). If you can’t get borax, use boric acid, either liquid or powder.

Put the borax or boric acid around your bed. When the “aliens” (I think they’re more demon than anything) come to get you, the powder will attach itself to them and eat through them.

You could also try other kinds of powder that has sharp edges to its molecules. Baby powder might work. Flouride probably works. I was once at a friend’s house when I was very young and saw a cockroach eat some toothpaste on the bathroom sink. It got sick real fast, did a few flips before it finally died. That’s how I knew that flouride was bad for you! If it kills cockroaches, it’s not good for you.

Think about what kills bugs and go after the insectoid aliens with bug killers! They also don’t like pure light so devise ways to pop some photon light. Maybe sleep in photon light.

But do what you have to do to fight those fu*kers. Praying might help but the God of the Light (there are many gods) would expect you to do something to help yourself.

Anonymous said...

You're all pretty goofy. Aliens probably exist, but probably not anywhere's near us. Abductions don't, and chances are neither do demons. If demons did exist, Jesus' name would probably just make them crack up before they bit your face off. Come on, haven't you seen the Exorcist?