Monday, November 16, 2009


I went to the store to pick up some milk tonight and what did I see?


It took all of the will power I had to walk out of the store without it. People either love it or hate it. I LOVE it. I kept telling myself it's still early in the season and there will be plenty of opportunities to snag some.

I could taste it all the way home though... in my mind.

Did I mention I like Eggnog?

Monday, August 24, 2009

Town Hall Meeting with Congressman Dan Boren in Pryor Oklahoma

Some footage I shot.

Congressman Dan Boren at the town hall meeting in Pryor on 8-19-09
Miss Kelly Glass (the young mother asking the questions) said it best.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Facebook and Twitter

I'm spending most of my online time now on facebook and twitter. Much better for activism.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

OK-SAFE Town Hall Meeting 4-7-09

This is an event I was asked to film for OK-SAFE (Oklahoman's for Sovereignty and Free Enterprise) on 4-7-09. OK-SAFE is a wonderful group of people who want to see our government return to the kind of government our founding fathers had originally envisioned for the United States.

All 9 video segments can viewed on this page.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Pachelbel played with a guitar

This Pachelbel piece is one of my favorite classical pieces. And this kid DOES do it justice. Wow!