Saturday, July 21, 2007

The Restoration of Habeas Corpus? I Hope So.

Hurray! Finally some common sense is returning to the nation's capital: The restoration of Habeas Corpus is now being debated. Without this right, all of our other rights are meaningless.

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
-Lord Acton

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A Screen Capture of my Desktop

A screen capture of my current desktop icons and wallpaper. I think the wallpaper is a picture of a forest in the Pacific Northwest. Boy, what I wouldn't give to be there now. So beautiful.

Okay. Now you can go ahead and snoop around my icons to see a sampling of what kind of software I use. Go ahead, you know you want to. :)

Hey, that gives me an idea for a practical joke. Since I saved the screen capture in the same resolution my monitor operates in, I think I'll maximize it and just leave it open. The next time my wife comes in to use the computer and she clicks on the icons, they won't work, and she'll call me in to ask me what's wrong with the computer.

My classic reply: What in the world have you done to the computer now???!!!

Ornery? Yes. But you gotta have some fun now and then!

Saturday, July 07, 2007

An Old Honeywell Ad

An ad from 1977. Who would have thought back then how email would revolutionize the way we communicate today?

Notice the old office desk. I still see some of those old dinosaurs around offices now and then.

Friday, July 06, 2007

The 10 Most Puzzling Ancient Artifacts

Over the last few hundred years, many perplexing artifacts have been unearthed that do not fit the currently excepted theories of geology and the history of man.

read more | digg story

Monday, July 02, 2007

Ads of Yesteryear

It's fun once in a while to look back at the ways things used to be.